Do you ship to APO address/international?
Yes, we ship all over the world. Shipping costs will be added at checkout.
How much is shipping?
It depends on where you are. Orders shipped to the Lower 48 typically take 5-7 business days to arrive. Overseas deliveries can take anywhere from 7-16 days. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.
Please understand, we have zero control of the carrriers & their delays, especially during high volume time periods. We will always guarantee you receive your order, but cannot guarantee the transits times.
We're a small business & do not own the logistics like Amazon.
We appreciate your support!
Do you offer a military discount?
Yes, we do! Use the GovX login to validate your credentials at checkout! We appreciate your service!
How do I return or exchange an item?
We're in the process of relocating our operations so please reach out directly via email or the chat for return/ exchange instructions.
Can I cancel an order or make changes?
Since we aim to ship as quickly as possible, orders are sent to our warehouse in real time and may not be able to be changed once they are placed.
Notify us immediately if you need to cancel or change your order.
Do you offer sales or promotions?
We do run periodic sales and promotions, but we usually use sales to clear out products we are discontinuing.
Our bestsellers rarely go on sale.
Contact Us
Do you have any questions?
As we are such a small company, we do not have the personnel available to receive phone calls. Please direct all customer service inquiries to our email or utilize the Chat during business hours.
Please do not contact us via social media for customer service requests. Thanks!